Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sleepy Flower

It was a very exciting party and all of us were very tired at the end. But only one of us got to take a nap!

Trick or Treating

At the end of the party, all the kids went trick or treating to a few nearby houses.
Dylan was not sure of the whole thing and Daddy had to help him get the candy.
(By the way, the monkey costume was from last year. I guess the penguin was only good for one party.)

But after a few houses, he was a pro! He and Frankie made quite the trick or treating pair!

More Halloween!

We all went to a Halloween party at our friend's house and once again, Dylan refused to wear his costume at first. He also refused to have his picture taken!

Isn't Sadie a beautiful flower? She LOVED the party, smiling at everyone which of course, made them smile right back!


Here is Dylan at his Halloween party at preschool!! As you can see, the penguin costume is being held by Mommy off to the left....yes, there was a lot of refusing to wear the costume or play the games at first. But then he decided pumpkin bowling was fun. And cupcakes were great, too! Finally the costume went on for the costume parade! Wish I had a picture of that....if I can get him to put it on again I will take one! (assuming he will let me)

Sadie playing with Pop Pop

Sadie's first day at the beach

It was Sadie's first time at the beach but she spent the entire time covered up completely and hanging out with Auntie in her carrier. Sorry Sadie...I promise next year you can see the ocean!

The Beach in October

Last Saturday we all went to the beach near Grammie's house. What a perfectly beautiful morning....running from chilly waves and playing in the sand!

Our pumpkins!

Dylan and Daddy worked really hard on making these great pumpkins! The only problem was that we did it way too early and the carved one was long gone before Halloween!